Hooks are the heart of react-three-fiber
Hooks allow your to tie or request specific information to your component. For instance, components that want to participate in the renderloop use can do so with useFrame
, components that need to be informed of three.js specifics use useThree
and so on. All hooks clean up after themselves once the component unmounts.
ā You cannot expect something like this to work:
import { useThree } from '@react-three/fiber'
function App() {
const { size } = useThree() // This will just crash
return (
ā Do this instead:
function Foo() {
const { size } = useThree()
function App() {
return (
<SomeComponent />
This hook gives you access to the state model which contains the default renderer, the scene, your camera, and so on. It also gives you the current size of the canvas in screen and viewport coordinates.
import { useThree } from '@react-three/fiber'
function Foo() {
const state = useThree()
The hook is reactive, if you resize the browser for instance, you get fresh measurements, same applies to any of the state objects that may change.
State properties
Prop | Description | Type | |
gl | Renderer | THREE.WebGLRenderer | |
scene | Scene | THREE.Scene | |
camera | Camera | THREE.PerspectiveCamera | |
mouse | Contains updated, normalized, centric pointer coordinates | THREE.Vector2 | |
clock | Running system clock | THREE.Clock | |
vr | True when the system is in VR mode | boolean | |
linear | True when the colorspace is linear | boolean | |
flat | True when no tonemapping is used | boolean | |
frameloop | React render-mode | always , demand , never | |
performance | System regression | { current: number, min: number, max: number, debounce: number, regress: () => void } | |
size | Canvas size in pixels | { width: number, height: number } | |
viewport | Viewport size in three.js units | { width: number, height: number, initialDpr: number, dpr: number, factor: number, distance: number, aspect: number, getCurrentViewport: (camera?: Camera, target?: THREE.Vector3, size?: Size) => Viewport } | |
get | Allows you to set any state property | () => GetState<RootState> | |
set | Allows you to retrieve any state property non-rteactively | (state: SetState<RootState>) => void | |
invalidate | Request a new render, given that frameloop === 'demand' | () => void | |
advance | Advance one tick, given that frameloop === 'never' | (timestamp: number, runGlobalEffects?: boolean) => void | |
setSize | Resize the canvas | (width: number, height: number) => void | |
setDpr | Set the pixel-ratio | (dpr: number) => void | |
onPointerMissed | Response for pointer clicks that have missed a target | () => void | |
events | Pointer-event handling | { connected: TargetNode, handlers: Events, connect: (target: TargetNode) => void, disconnect: () => void } |
You can also select properties, this allows you to avoid needless re-render for components that are interested only in particulars. Reactivity does not include deeper three.js internals!
// Will only trigger re-render when the default camera is exchanged
const camera = useThree((state) => state.camera)
// Will only re-render on resize changes
const viewport = useThree((state) => state.viewport)
// ā You cannot expect reactivity from three.js internals!
const zoom = useThree((state) => state.camera.zoom)
Reading state from outside of the component cycle
function Foo() {
const get = useThree((state) => state.get)
get() // Get fresh state from anywhere you want
Exchanging defaults
function Foo() {
const set = useThree((state) => state.set)
useEffect(() => {
set({ camera: new THREE.OrthographicCamera(...) })
}, [])
This hook allows you to execute code on every rendered frame, like running effects, updating controls, and so on. You receive the state (same as useThree
) and a clock delta. Your callback function will be invoked just before a frame is rendered. When the component unmounts it is unsubscribed automatically from the render-loop.
import { useFrame } from '@react-three/fiber'
function Foo() {
useFrame((state, delta) => {
// This function runs 60 times/second inside the global render-loop
Taking over the render-loop
If you need more control you may pass a numerical renderPriority
value. This will cause react-three-fiber to disable automatic rendering altogether. It will now be your responsibility to render, which is useful when you're working with effect composers, heads-up displays, etc.
useFrame(({ gl, scene, camera }) => {
gl.render(scene, camera)
}, 1)
This hook loads assets and suspends for easier fallback- and error-handling. It can take any three.js loader as its first argument: GLTFLoader, OBJLoader, TextureLoader, FontLoader, etc. It is based on React.Suspense, so fallback-handling and error-handling happen at the parental level.
import { Suspense } from 'react'
import { useLoader } from '@react-three/fiber'
import { GLTFLoader } from 'three/examples/jsm/loaders/GLTFLoader'
function Model() {
const result = useLoader(GLTFLoader, '/model.glb')
// You don't need to check for the presence of the result, when we're here
// the result is guaranteed to be present since useLoader suspends the component
return <primitive object={result.scene} />
function App() {
<Suspense fallback={<FallbackComponent /> /* or null */}>
<Model />
Loader extensions
You can provide a callback as the third argument if you need to configure your loader:
import { DRACOLoader } from 'three/examples/jsm/loaders/DRACOLoader'
useLoader(GLTFLoader, url, (loader) => {
const dracoLoader = new DRACOLoader()
Loading multiple assets at once
It can also make multiple requests in parallel:
const [bumpMap, specMap, normalMap] = useLoader(TextureLoader, [url1, url2, url2])
Loading status
You can get the loading status from a callback you provide as the fourth argument. Though consider alternatives like THREE.DefaultLoadingManager or better yet, drei's loading helpers.
useLoader(loader, url, extensions, xhr => {
console.log((xhr.loaded / xhr.total * 100) + '% loaded')
Special treatment of GLTFLoaders and all loaders that return a scene prop
If a result.scene
prop is found the hook will automatically create a object & material collection: { nodes, materials }
. This lets you build immutable scene graphs selectively. You can also specifically alter the data without having to traverse it. gltfjsx specifically relies on this data.
const { nodes, material } = useLoader(GLTFLoader, url)
Pre-loading assets
You can pre-load assets in global space so that models can be loaded in anticipation before they're mounted in the component tree.
useLoader.preload(GLTFLoader, '/model.glb' /* extensions */)
Convenience hook which creates a memoized, named object/material collection from any Object3D
import { useLoader } from '@react-three/fiber'
function Model(url) {
const scene = useLoader(OBJLoader, url)
const { nodes, materials } = useGraph(scene)
return <mesh geometry={nodes.robot.geometry} material={materials.metal} />