The Canvas object is your portal into three.js.
The Canvas
object is where you start to define your React Three Fiber Scene.
import React from 'react'
import { Canvas } from '@react-three/fiber'
const App = () => (
<pointLight position={[10, 10, 10]} />
<sphereBufferGeometry />
<meshStandardMaterial color="hotpink" />
The props available for the canvas are:
Prop | Description | Default |
children | three.js JSX elements or regular components | |
gl | Props that go into the default renderer, or your own renderer | {} |
camera | Props that go into the default camera, or your own THREE.Camera | { fov: 75, near: 0.1, far: 1000, position: [0, 0, 5] } |
shadows | Props that go into gl.shadowMap , can also be set true for PCFsoft | false |
raycaster | Props that go into the default raycaster | {} |
vr | Switches renderer to VR mode, then uses gl.setAnimationLoop | false |
mode | React mode: legacy, blocking, concurrent | blocking |
frameloop | Render mode: always, demand, never | always |
resize | Resize config, see react-use-measure's options | { scroll: true, debounce: { scroll: 50, resize: 0 } } |
orthographic | Creates an orthographic camera | false |
dpr | Pixel-ratio, use window.devicePixelRatio , or automatic: [min, max] | undefined |
linear | Switch off automatic sRGB encoding and gamma correction | false |
flat | Use THREE.NoToneMapping instead of THREE.ACESFilmicToneMapping | false |
onCreated | Callback after the canvas has rendered (but not yet committed) | (state) => {} |
onPointerMissed | Response for pointer clicks that have missed any target | (event) => {} |
The canvas props should be used as a constructor. To update the canvas props, set the state like this:
const set = useThree((state) => state.set)
set({ frameloop: 'demand' })
Defaults that the canvas component sets up
Canvas will create a translucent THREE.WebGLRenderer
with the following properties:
- antialias=true
- alpha=true
- powerPreference="high-performance"
- setClearAlpha(0)
- A
camera - A
cam iforthographic
is true - A
is true - A
(into which all the JSX is rendered) and aTHREE.Raycaster
- A resize observer
The colorspace will be set to sRGB (unless "linear" is true), all colors and textures will be auto-converted. Consult [ Color Management in three.js]( for more information about this. Unless "flat" is true it will set up `THREE.ACESFilmicToneMapping` for slightly more contrast.
Consider Resize-Observer polyfills for older Safari browsers. We recommend